Sunscreen Authorization

Calvary Road Christian Summer Camp

Sunscreen Authorization Form

Sunscreen Policy:

It is the parent’s responsibility to apply sunscreen to their child BEFORE camp begins each day.


Any use and application of sunscreen while at camp, requires written parent authorization on the Sunscreen Authorization Form.


All sunscreen must be labeled with the child’s name. “B” and “C” Group camper will leave the sunscreen in their backpacks and “A” Groups campers will turn it in to the school office. (All sunscreen MUST be accompanied by a Sunscreen Authorization Form.)


If the brand of sunscreen changes, a new form must be submitted along with the sunscreen.


All sunscreen must be in spray form.


Counselors will encourage “B” and “C” campers throughout the day to reapply and supervise the process.

Sunscreen Authorization
Sunscreen Authorization:
Any Adverse Reactions to sunscreen products? *
I give permission for the staff of Calvary Road Christian Summer Camp to assist in applying sunscreen to my child if help is needed. I understand that this may require the staff to touch my child's face, neck, arms and legs. I understand that this form is good from 12th through August 11th unless a new bottle is submitted.

Summer Camp Registration Information

We are currently updating our Summer Camp Registration System. Please check back shortly.